It's important to breath. With that being agreed upon, many laborious tasks come with the difficulty of maintaining good respiratory health. Not only that, with the commonality of the spreading of germs, many are in search for a sufficient way of safeguarding themselves amidst the elements at hand. In any regard, it's better to be preventative in your methods than to be satisfied with mere attempts at the treatment which only pacifies the problem and not heal it or create a necessary and substantial elimination.

Dust Mask

Dust Masks are an effective method for respiratory health for both residential and commercial usages. Dust masks are a preventative care method that eliminates dust buildup, deflects germs and bacteria from infecting the user and or any bystander and it allows for higher breath ability amongst smoke and particle filled areas. This device can be quite helpful for what may be considered as menial tasks like house cleaning per se. For instance, applying a dust mask during a cleaning project will deflect harmful irritants such as dust particles and pollen as well as aerosol and intensified fumes from the cleaning chemicals one may use in the process.

Dust Masks are essential for outdoor tasks, factory work and warehousing usage where grass, pollen, smoke, dust, and chemicals could reduce the performance of workers and cause sickness in some cases. This source of protection allows users to remain efficiency in their tasks while providing the necessary support to remain productive. There are three commonly used types of dust masks that are specific in action for direct usage. Below is a chart that explains:


Particulate Respirator-Gerson

Particulate Respirator-Moldex 3M-Dust Mask

Form fitting with an adjustable nose piece

Molded nose bridge

Adjustable nose clip-reduces eye wear fogging

General usage protects against dust particles, pollen, grass and salt

Great for safeguarding against dust and non-oil applications

common amongst foundry, wood work and lab assingments

Economical 50 per box

20 per box

20 per box

Not a NIOSH approved respirator Equipped with Softspun inner shell. Meets 42CRF84 specs

NIOSH N95 approved


Dust masks are a vital protect-ant source that improves the quality of your task oriented requirements. It's profitable to be equipped with this source so that users avoid unnecessary issues during laborious activities. These masks are particularly available on most first aid medical supply websites and those aforementioned brands are some of the best in the industry.